Erica Fairchild

So you graduated a couple of years ago and have been working for the last couple of years. Everything is going well yet you still feel like something is missing. You skipped out on the opportunity to work abroad after graduating to get your foot in the door and earn some money at the same time. However, the desire to work abroad is still very much present. Now that you've saved some money you're ready to go on your big OE. But are there any good entry-level jobs overseas and why should everyone get some overseas experience?

Why work abroad

Working abroad is a great way to develop professionally. Different countries operate their businesses and institutions in different ways. Having this kind of experience abroad, even if it is just in an entry-level job overseas, looks great on your CV. You'll also be able to pick up some new skills that you can take home with you. If anything's going to impress in your future job interviews, it would be what you've taken from your entry-level work experience abroad.

Types of entry level jobs overseas

English teaching

There are plenty of good entry-level jobs overseas, which also include opportunities to train and acquire new skills. One of these is English language teaching.

There are many English teaching jobs abroad due to a growing demand. If you're not a teacher already, you can gain an internationally recognized English teaching qualification. EF is a great example of an English teaching company that helps entry-level teachers train and get qualified to work abroad. EF has schools and offices in over 107 countries. With a little bit of research and courage, you could soon be winging your way to Indonesia, China or somewhere equally exciting to train and teach English.

Hospitality and tourism

The hospitality and tourism sector has always been a popular option for graduates looking to work overseas. Working in a hotel, on a cruise or becoming a tour guide offers the opportunity to pick up the softer skills that are needed in business and life.

Jobs in the hospitality and tourism sector can be tough to get into. However, recruitment agencies are always on the lookout for candidates who are willing to live abroad for at least one year.

Entry level jobs at ngo's

If you've studied international affairs and politics and have been working in a mediocre job for the last few years, it might be time to head overseas instead. This is the perfect chance to get that real-life experience. The skills that will help put you in good stead for jobs in the future. There are a number of development contractors that also offer training programmes for entry-level leadership. As well as development contractors there are also a few non-government organizations that you could consider. The Research Triangle Initiative, Development Alternatives, Inc., and Chemonics International all offer entry-level opportunities.


Whatever it is you're looking for, there are always going to be plenty of entry-level jobs abroad. Don't look at these jobs as taking a step backwards. Instead look at them with fresh eyes. See them as a way to upskill and gain invaluable skills and ideas that you can later use. This is the ultimate kind of professional development. It is also a way to make yourself stand out professionally in the future.

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